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The Secret to Getting Your Cat to Drink More Water

The Secret to Getting Your Cat to Drink More Water

It’s important for your cat's health and well-being that they remain well hydrated.

However, one of the biggest issues that many cat owners have come across is their pet’s lack of desire to drink water.

The solution to this problem is only a click away. Resolve this issue effortlessly with the PawsPik BOSS-01 Water Fountain

Why doesn’t my cat like to drink water? 

Multiple factors can contribute towards your cat's dislike or avoidance of drinking water.

Some of the most common reasons can include, cleanliness of the water, location of the pet bowl, and underlying health problems, even the taste or flow of the water.

Cats are notorious for their high standards, if still water has become contaminated with dust, bacteria or germs, or has been placed too close to food the taste of the water can become tainted.

This can lead to your cats avoiding the water bowl due to the water’s unpleasant taste.

Additionally, your cat's avoidance of water could be the result of underlying health issues.

Medical problems such as dental infections or gastrointestinal problems can cause discomfort when they drink which may cause them to avoid drinking more. 

Risks of dehydration

Staying hydrated is an incredibly important part of your cat’s health.

We recognize that this is a task easier said than done for many pet owners considering the fact that many cats are notorious for avoiding drinking water.

If your cat continues to avoid drinking water for prolonged periods of time, this could put them at risk for becoming dehydrated.

Dehydration can cause a number of problems for your cat. Some of the immediate signs you may notice can include excessive skin elasticity, sunken eyes, constipation, and vomiting or diarrhea.

The earlier you are able to identify and act upon these signs the better.

If this becomes a prolonged issue, health risks can increase significantly as cats will be more at risk for more serious health conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, or heatstroke. 

How to get your cat to drink more water 

The PawsPik BOSS-01 Water Fountain is a stainless-steel cat water fountain specially engineered to resolve many of the issues that cat owners face when trying to encourage their furry companions to drink more water.

This stainless-steel water fountain is made with premium 304 Food Grade Stainless Steel to ensure that no wear or tear impacts your cat's drinking experience.

Combined with its thorough 5-Layer filtration system, this stainless-steel water dispenser ensures the removal of heavy metals, dirt, and other harmful substances while simultaneously preventing cat acne.

Additionally, this stainless-steel water fountain for cats is completely battery operated! Meaning no unnecessary cords or wires interfering with its placement or functionality.

These benefits combined with our versatile flow modes for regular, sensors, or timed drinking, resolve any issues that your cat may have previously had with bad tasting water, streams, or accessibility.

Ensuring that your cat has the most enjoyable drinking experience possible.